WE ARE Guided by the power of a justice- & liberation-oriented Christian faith, which gives people who are concerned about injustice & systemic racism the strength, endurance, passion and courage to fight political, social, economic and racial oppression.


• Holding press conferences successfully advocating for those who have been wronged by the police

• Confronting elected officials and getting more police transparency & accountability

• Demanding police, judicial and criminal justice reforms including bail reform.


• Ushering in legislation, which requires civilian review of alleged police misconduct (i.e. Police Accountability Board)

• Instituting community interview panels for police hiring

• Proposing a Community Public Safety Corps to leverage neighborhood leadership for sensitive situations

• Addressing implicit bias in judges through a Judicial Observation Project


• Convening a Criminal Justice Reform Task Force aimed at providing human services, avoiding the trauma & stigma of arrest

• Guiding law enforcement agencies to improve relations with Communities of Color

• Implementing Community Police Summits

• Partnering with faith & secular organizations to achieve shared goals

• Conducting programs that reduce gun violence by giving youth a safe space to discuss their trauma and find alternatives to bloodshed

We welcome people of all races, religions and ethnicities. Add your voice, your energy, your resources to our fierce but loving—and uniquely effective—fight for social justice.